Enoxaparin Sodium Injection

Enoxaparin Sodium Injection

Enoxaparin is a blood thinner used to treat harmful blood clots and prevention of blood clots in the veins. It is administered subcutaneously by a doctor or a nurse.



  • It is used to prevent and treat blood clots in the body as in the case of Deep vein thrombosis.

  • It reduces the risks of having a stroke or heart attack.

Enoxaparin is a blood thinner used to treat harmful blood clots and prevention of blood clots in the veins. It is administered subcutaneously by a doctor or a nurse.



  • It is used to prevent and treat blood clots in the body as in the case of Deep vein thrombosis.

  • It reduces the risks of having a stroke or heart attack.

Side effects

Side effects caused by Enoxaparin are,

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever

  • Swelling 

Risks to consider

  • Enoxaparin may cause rebound strokes or rebound clots, so do not abruptly stop taking enoxaparin.

  • It can interact with other medications and drugs, so talk to your doctor about all of your prescriptions.

  • It can cause severe allergic reactions.